How does fat dissolve and leave the body?


In a wish for a more contoured and defined physique, many turn to cosmetic treatments that target and reduce unwanted fat. At Skin Parlour in Pensacola, FL, we specialize in effective non-surgical fat-dissolving treatments that require minimal downtime. 

Understanding how these treatments work can provide insight into fat reduction and help set realistic expectations for your treatment journey. So, first, let’s discover more about fat-dissolving treatments and how they can help you reach your goals. 

The Science Behind Fat Dissolving

Understanding the science behind fat-dissolving treatments like KYBELLA® is key to appreciating their effectiveness. These treatments work by using active ingredients that specifically target fat cells. 

Once these cells are destroyed, they are processed and eliminated by the body’s natural metabolic processes. This scientific approach ensures targeted fat reduction in specific areas, providing a non-surgical alternative to traditional fat removal methods.

The Biological Process of Fat Elimination

Grasping how KYBELLA® works biologically to eliminate fat cells offers insight into the treatment’s effectiveness. Deoxycholic acid, the active ingredient, naturally breaks down dietary fat. 

When used in KYBELLA®, it targets and destroys fat cells in the treatment area. These cells are then processed and naturally eliminated by the body’s lymphatic and waste systems. This process is both safe and natural.

Customizing Your Treatment Plan

Every individual has unique body contours and aesthetic goals. At Skin Parlour, we offer personalized treatment plans tailored to your specific needs. During the consultation, we assess the treatment area, discuss your desired outcomes, and plan the number of sessions required to achieve optimal results, ensuring a customized approach to fat reduction.

Customizing Your Treatment Plan

Every individual has unique body contours and aesthetic goals. At Skin Parlour, we offer personalized treatment plans tailored to your specific needs. During the consultation, we assess the treatment area, discuss your desired outcomes, and plan the number of sessions required to achieve optimal results, ensuring a customized approach to fat reduction.

Fat Dissolving Treatments

At Skin Parlour, we offer innovative treatments to help you achieve your desired look without invasive procedures.

Transforming Your Contours with KYBELLA®

KYBELLA® is a revolutionary non-surgical option for those looking to diminish submental fullness, often called a “double chin.” This treatment harnesses the power of deoxycholic acid, a molecule naturally present in the body, known for its fat-absorbing qualities. 

When KYBELLA® is injected into the designated area, it effectively targets and breaks down fat cells. These cells are then gradually flushed out through the body’s natural elimination processes, leading to a more defined and contoured jawline.

Available at Skin Parlour in Pensacola, FL, KYBELLA® is an excellent choice for those dealing with moderate to significant submental fat and seeking a non-surgical route as an alternative to liposuction. Beyond treating the chin area, KYBELLA® is also effective in addressing fat accumulation in other body regions, such as the bra line, upper arms, and abdomen. 

Many clients start noticing visible improvements within just a few weeks post-treatment, achieving their desired results typically within 2-3 months. The outcome of KYBELLA® is lasting, as the fat cells once eliminated, do not return. To achieve the best results, we generally suggest undergoing 2-4 sessions spaced about 12 weeks apart.

How Long To See Results of KYBELLA®?

Results from KYBELLA® can be noticeable as soon as 1-2 weeks after the first treatment. However, the full extent of the improvement may continue to evolve over the next few weeks, with optimal results typically seen after 2-3 treatments. Each individual’s response to treatment can vary, so we provide personalized care plans to achieve the best possible outcomes.

The Importance of a Healthy Lifestyle Post-Treatment

While treatments like KYBELLA® are effective in fat reduction, maintaining a healthy lifestyle post-treatment is crucial for sustaining results. A balanced diet and regular exercise can enhance and prolong the effects of the treatment. At Skin Parlour, we encourage clients to view these treatments as complementing a healthy lifestyle, not a substitute.

Exploring Treatment Suitability and Safety

Before considering KYBELLA®, it’s crucial to determine if you’re an ideal candidate for the procedure. Our experts at Skin Parlour assess factors such as skin type, fat distribution, and overall health to ensure KYBELLA® is safe and suitable for you. We also discuss any potential risks and ensure you understand the safety profile of the treatment, providing peace of mind and setting realistic expectations.

Future Touch-Ups and Maintenance

While KYBELLA® offers long-lasting results, discussing future touch-ups and maintenance is an important part of the treatment journey. Depending on individual factors such as aging and lifestyle changes, some clients might choose to have additional treatments in the future. We guide you on what to expect long-term and how to maintain your new, more contoured appearance.

Combining Fat Dissolving Treatments with Other Procedures

Combining fat-dissolving treatments like KYBELLA® with other cosmetic procedures can be beneficial for enhanced body contouring results. Options such as skin tightening treatments or cellulite reduction can complement the fat reduction achieved with KYBELLA®, leading to more comprehensive aesthetic improvements. We discuss these possibilities during your consultation to create a holistic treatment plan.

At Skin Parlour, we’re dedicated to offering comprehensive care beyond the treatment itself. Understanding these aspects of KYBELLA® ensures our clients are well-informed and comfortable with every step of their treatment journey. Book an appointment with us today to explore how KYBELLA® can help you achieve your aesthetic goals.

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